Saturday, September 06, 2008

Ahmad Ismail

Sekarang tengah panas dengan cerita Ahmad Ismail... Aku tengok muka dia pun tak larat...

Apa nak jadi dengan orang tua nie..? Dah gila ke. Act like Malaysian laa.
We are living in 1 world. Easy jer, respect each other...

Dia ingat dia boleh buat unpopular statement and hurting other races. The malays no more to listen to your stupid statement like this and they think very rationaly and smart enough to analyze the fair and unfair report and statement. So jangan la treat bangsa kau sendiri macam bodoh sangat. They are alert and more polished now and may be this issues (racist remarks) popular in 80's but not anymore and dont think and dream that you would be supported this low mentality act.

Enough is enough. Vote this UMNO bastard out...